Sunday, July 9, 2017

Sunday Funday as we honor a Hero WOD!

Fan Fundraiser July 14. Help raise money for our cooling system, and socialize with your AmpFam! Event page here.

Amp White Sox Outing July 30. Get signed up! Details here. White Sox Amp Outing

SUNDAY Partner Workout "Dallas 5" AMRAP in 5 Minutes: Burpees

Rest 1 Minute

AMRAP in 5 Minutes: • 7 Deadlifts (#155/105) • 7 Box Jumps (24"/20)

Rest 1 Minute

AMRAP in 5 Minutes: Turkish Get-ups (#40/20 DB)

Rest 1 Minute

AMRAP in 5 Minutes: • 7 Power Snatch (#75/55) • 7 Push-ups

Rest 1 Minute

AMRAP in 5 Minutes: Row for Calories

On July 7, 2016, a sniper coordinated an ambush on a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas. Dallas 5 commemorates the five officers who lost their lives in the attack.

Dallas Police Officer Patrick Zamarripa, 33, Police Senior Corporal Lorne Ahrens, 48, Police Officer Michael Krol, 40, Police Sergeant Michael Smith, 55, and Area Rapid Transit Officer Brent Thompson, 43.