Monday, January 27, 2014


Monday Deadlifts and a couple AMRAPs!

Announcements We strongly encourage everyone to register for the CrossFit Open! Registration is now open.  We will complete the workouts each week anyway! Weekly workouts begin February 27.

Monday, January 27: 30 Day Nutrition Challenge.  3 tier option: Performance, Weight Management, or Look Good Naked.  More details at the info meeting at 6:30pm!

Thursday, January 30: Goal Setting with Lauren P. Come join the meeting at 6:30pm to get help achieving what you want out of your Amplify experience!

Saturday & Sunday, February 15-16: Galt Games competition at Atlas CrossFit in Chicago.

MONDAY Strength/Skill Deadlift [wmv][mov] Every minute for 12 minutes: • Odd Minutes: 10 Deadlifts (#185/135) • Even Minutes: 10 V-Ups

Conditioning AMRAP in 5 Minutes: • 10 Burpees Over the Box (24"/20") • 6 Shoulder to Overhead (#135/95)

Rest 90 Seconds

AMRAP in 2 Minutes: Muscle-ups or Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Rest 90 Seconds

AMRAP in 2 Minutes: Burpees

Deadlift Mobility