Wednesday, June 8, 2016

13389363_906888771147_1380872478_oStrength work and a two-part MetCon for midweek!

WEDNESDAY Strength Dumbbell Strict Shoulder Press [Video] Strict Pull-ups [Video]

5 Supersets Of: • 5 Standing DB Strict Press • 5 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Take 10-15 minutes to complete the 5 sets. Choose your own weight based on how you feel.

Conditioning Part 1: 50 Deadlifts (#135/95) 40 Box Jumps (24"/20") 30 Pull-ups 20 Front Squats (#135/95) 10 Shoulder to Overhead (#135/95)

Rest 5 Minutes

Part 2: 50 Sit-ups 40 Hand Release Push-ups 30 Hang Power Cleans (#135/95) 20 Lunges 10 Burpee Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Strict DB Press