Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ooh... Snatch work Tuesday. Can't miss that.

TUESDAY Strength Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 [wmv] [mov]

Conditioning 7 Rounds For Time & Total Load: • 35 Double Unders • 1 Snatch

*Snatch will go through full squat each rep. Make only one snatch attempt per round.

We will record time and total of all successful snatches, without counting missed reps.

Go heavy. Maintain form.

Watch This. Coach B working with Austin Malleolo. Good stuff.

Elements Classes Our introductions to CrossFit will be taking place at our 11am class and our 7:30am class this month. During this class hour, Amplify trainers will be working with newcomers. Veteran members, please make note of this.

Also, plan on participating in our OLYMPIC LIFTING class Wednesday nights at 7:30pm. Join us to work with a barbell for that entire hour and get stronger, faster, and better with form. You will receive one-on-one attention and plenty of much needed constructive critique. Boomski.