Friday 4/15/11

AMPLIFY MEMBERS PAGE Congratulations to Nathan and Carrie and Matthew as our March Fitness Challenge Winners. They have been highlighted on our Amplify Members Page.  Check it out!

FRIDAY Strength Split Jerk  3-3-3-3-3  [wmv][mov]

Conditioning AMRAP in 10 minutes of: •30 Double Unders •15 Power Snatches (#75/55)


CrossFit Games Open Workout 11.4

The fourth workout of the Open is in!

04.12.11-04.17.11 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of: • 60 Bar-facing burpees • 30 Overhead squats (#120/90) • 10 Muscle-ups

CrossFit Amplify is a registered host site to validate workouts & scores.  Email or see a trainer to set-up a time to be judged.  Walk-ins will not allow us to judge appropriately.  Set your day & time!!  Good luck to all.

Check out the current North Central region leader boards to keep up with the status of our CFAMP members!